We have about 94 children who are actively enrolled. To provide the best care for your children, we strive to follow state ratios or better:
0-2: 4:1
2y: 6:1
3 year olds: 10:1
4 year olds: 14:1
School age: 18:1
If your child has allergies, be sure to talk with us about how we’d handle your child’s particular situation.
We serve AM snack, lunch, and PM snack. We have an eight-week menu that we rotate through to provide your children with variety. We serve mostly hot lunches, but will occasionally do cold lunches as well. We follow a meal plan to make sure we hit all of the food groups, and make most of our meals from scratch.
Breastmilk: If a parent brings in breastmilk, we have a mini-fridge in our classroom for easy access. We use a bottle warmer to slowly warm it up to the desired temperature. If parents bring in more than one day's worth of breast milk we can place what is not needed for the day in the freezer within the kitchen.
Formula: : We provide Kirkland formula. If your child has sensitivity, you will need to provide your own formula. We ask that parents bring in their own bottles and enough for all of their daily feedings. Teachers will send home dirty bottles every night.
The school has monthly themes for our curriculum broken down to related weekly themes where we teach through play and STEAM. Each class has an academic focus and sub-foci that we work on each week outside of the theme.
Ages 0-2: They follow a two-week plan with their main focus as a number (striving to be able to count to 10), shapes, and colors. Their sub-focus is letters and animals.
Age 3, preschool: Their main focus is letter and number recognition (counting to 20), name recognition, beginning phonics, and sub focus's of mastering shapes and colors.
Age 4, Pre-K:: This class is a kindergarten readiness room. They work on mastering their letters and numbers (counting to 100), early reading, beginning math, and have a sub focus of mastering shapes and colors. We strive to have all of the children ready and confident for kindergarten.
For school-aged children: During the school year, we offer and encourage tutoring for our school-aged children. This way, children can work on getting their homework done before going home and are then able to enjoy time with their families.
Our discipline policy is all about teaching and positive redirection. We understand that different age groups express themselves differently. It’s all part of growing up! However, we encourage children of all ages to behave appropriately and respond to their antics in ways that help teach them the right way to act. Here are some of the common behaviors expressed among the different age groups as well as some of our common responses to them:
We encourage all parents and or guardians to be involved in the activities. We believe that parental participation is key to any successful child care program. At My Childcare Academy, we strive to fill the gap created during early separation and educational opportunities and when parents are not available.
We welcome parental visits! We have an open door policy that allows parents access to the center during operating hours. Here are some of the opportunities for involvement in our center. Parents are in no way limited to the involvement listed below. Any parent wishing to be involved in another area is strongly encouraged to contact the MY CHILDCARE ACADEMY office with their suggestion.
We also expect parental involvement in behavior intervention as outlined in our policies.
These guidelines are for the welfare of all of our children. In order to provide a safe and healthy environment, we rely on our parents to monitor their children with these guidelines in mind.
Only directors are permitted to administer any type of medication. All medication to be given to children must be in the original bottle with the instructions clearly printed on it as provided by the doctor’s prescription or by the pharmaceutical company. All medicine including scripted and unscripted medications must be in an up-to-date bottle and not be outdated or past-dated. All prescription medication must have that child’s name on the script. All non-prescription medicine must have a permanent sticker with the child’s name and the date the medication was left at the center. A “Permission to give Medication” form needs to be filled out prior to the administration of any medication. All medicines must be personally handed to the teacher in charge at the time of arrival along with the “Permission to give Medication” form (Filled out). MY CHILDCARE ACADEMY reserves the right not to give medicines if the dosage is questionable or not according to the label. MY CHILDCARE ACADEMY reserves the right to request a doctor’s consent via handwritten prescription for any non-prescription medications. A copy of the “Authorization to Give Medication” form along with the medication bottle and any remaining medication will be returned to the parent upon completion of the course of medication.
We must be aware of any food or other known allergies that affect your child. If your child has any known food allergies, you will need to fill out an “Allergy/Food Exemption Medical Statement”. This allows us to alert all of our staff to be on guard of their allergy. The Allergy/Food Exemption Statement must be turned into our office as soon as this allergy has been identified. This form must be updated annually. We also need to be aware of any Non-Food allergies that can affect your child. If your child has any Non-food allergies you will need to fill out a “Non-Food Allergy Medical Statement” which must be turned in to our office as soon as this allergy has been identified. This form must be updated annually. You will also need to fill out a “Authorization to give Medication” form if your child requires an Epi-pen or other emergency treatment.
We understand how important it is for you to get all of the information you can about your childcare options. Feel free to give us a call to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.